Agriculture and Solar Installation Or Agrivoltics, Which One Is Greener?

Instead of hunkering close to the earth, they’re mounted seven feet off the ground, with ample room for farmers or cows to wander underneath. Solar panels are separated by two- and three-foot gaps, instead of clustering tightly together. Light streams through these spaces and, underneath, rows of leafy kale and Brussels sprouts replace the typical bare earth or grass. This is a more beneficial idea than that puts forward solar farms as places for harvesting only the sun’s energy.

Agriculture and Solar Installation Or Agrivoltics, Which One Is Greener?
The solar panels in the fields at the University of Massachusetts Crop Research and Education Center don’t look like what most of us have come to expect
This unusual arrangement is one of the first examples of a dual-use solar installation—sometimes called “Agrivoltaics”.
Do you think agrivoltaics will be the future of agriculture? Plz comment on below
Photo:@civileats &
‘All rights to go to the author of the news & image as mentioned above’

‘All rights go to the author of the news and image mentioned above’


Date: Aug 16, 2019 @ 09:15

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