‘Clean Energy & Clean Air’ Arizona Public Service’s slogan for deployment of 950 MW solar plus storage

The polls have identified solar plus storage as one of the most promising technologies for institutional investors keen on renewable assets, amid plans by many to ramp up allocations. Nearly two-thirds of all asset owners and managers quizzed chose batteries and other energy storage technologies as the renewables subsector with the greatest potential.

According to Energy-Storage news, Arizona Public Service (APS) has announced a plan to make solar energy dispatchable into the evening using batteries, calling for the deployment of 850MW of energy storage by 2025. Already, APS has awarded a contract to technology provider and system integrator AES for a 100MW, four-hour duration battery energy storage system (400MWh) as part of that plan. The system will help provide “solar after sunset”, APS and AES said.

In revealing further details of its “major clean energy initiatives”, the utility said it will add batteries to its existing fleet of solar plants, add new solar-plus-storage plants and use energy storage to help deliver an increased proportion of grid energy at times of peak demand. APS, the utility for 2.7 million people in the southwest US state, said it will add 850MW of energy storage and 100MW of new solar by 2025. ——————–***——————–
‘All rights to go to the author of the news & image as mentioned above’

‘Clean Energy & Clean Air’ Arizona Public Service’s slogan for deployment of 950 MW solar plus storage

‘All rights go to the author of the news and image mentioned above’

Location: Arizona Public Service – APS

Date: Feb 25, 2019 @ 10:23

Instagram Post Source: http://instagram.com/solar_edition

Media Type: image


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