Dansk Solenergi began to install the pilot project of rooftop solar

Weather-resistant PV rooftop modules will be put to the test under a new three-year project, subsidized by one of Denmark’s innovation programs. According to PV-Tech, the PV Rock Roof initiative has secured DKK8.3 million (around US$1.26 million) funding to test the feasibility of gluing modules directly on to rooftop insulation layers. a spokesperson from the Danish Energy Agency said that the scheme will trial colored PV modules Dansk Solenergi has developed “without major impacts” on performance. The goal is now to refine and verify the potential and ensure the modules remain a cost-effective, aesthetical and energy-saving solution for rooftops. The program will also help prepare the safety and green certification of an eventual system, and conclude with a full-scale demonstration of the glued modules on a rooftop. Dansk Solenergi is among those in Europe active in the building-integrated PV segment. Its rooftop milestones to date include a 355KW installation atop the UN’s Copenhagen offices. The innovation push comes as PV voices urge Europe to fuel decarbonization by covering entire buildings with self-styled solar skins, lessening the need for expensive grid upgrades. --------------------***------------------- Source:http://ow.ly/RKKz50uPGtm Photo:http://ow.ly/dJt750uPGtn ……………………………………. ‘All rights to go to the author of the news & image as mentioned above’ -------------------------------------------

Dansk Solenergi began to install the pilot project of rooftop solar

Weather-resistant PV rooftop modules will be put to the test under a new three-year project, subsidized by one of Denmark’s innovation programs.
According to PV-Tech, the PV Rock Roof initiative has secured DKK8.3 million (around US$1.26 million) funding to test the feasibility of gluing modules directly on to rooftop insulation layers.
a spokesperson from the Danish Energy Agency said that the scheme will trial colored PV modules Dansk Solenergi has developed “without major impacts” on performance. The goal is now to refine and verify the potential and ensure the modules remain a cost-effective, aesthetical and energy-saving solution for rooftops. The program will also help prepare the safety and green certification of an eventual system, and conclude with a full-scale demonstration of the glued modules on a rooftop.
Dansk Solenergi is among those in Europe active in the building-integrated PV segment. Its rooftop milestones to date include a 355KW installation atop the UN’s Copenhagen offices.
The innovation push comes as PV voices urge Europe to fuel decarbonization by covering entire buildings with self-styled solar skins, lessening the need for expensive grid upgrades.
‘All rights to go to the author of the news & image as mentioned above’

‘All rights go to the author of the news and image mentioned above’

Location: Copenhagen

Date: Jun 29, 2019 @ 09:20

Instagram Post Source: http://instagram.com/solar_edition

Media Type: image


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