Gaining a Realistic Perspective of Japan’s solar market in the years ahead

What happened with the Japanese Solar Energy Market? From the 47% growth in 2014 to a 30% drop in 2018 compared to 2014. 

2014 was a brilliant year in the history of Japan’s solar industry. It faced with 47% excess in annual added capacity compared to the previous year, but it did not last more than one year and reduced year after year. Japan’s annual added capacity decreased by up to 30% in 2018 from 2014.

According to the NREL report, the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA) attributed the reduction in deployment to further FiT reductions for nonresidential PV systems and grid constraints which was leading to greater expansion of curtailment on the mainland. However, the good news is in December 2018, Japan proposed a new rule that would cut the FiT price in half for solar projects awarded before 2015 and are not built by March 2020.

The rule could affect 11–17 GW of projects and is expected to cause an increase in deployment during 2019 and 2020.


Source:@NREL & @Solar_Edition



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