We all are aware that Lithium-ion batteries and solar are going to the new normal in the near future. We are also aware of Green Hydrogen being dubbed as the future fuel. However, Panasonic has taken it a step further by announcing plans to demonstrate an “RE100 solution” that supplies 100% of the electricity consumed in business activities from renewable sources by using an in-house power generation system combining pure hydrogen fuel cell generators and photovoltaic generators. This will be the world’s first attempt to create a “RE100 factory” through the full-scale use of hydrogen.
What will the layout be like?
Panasonic proposes a solution that combines pure hydrogen fuel cell generators, photovoltaic generators, and storage batteries. To demonstrate this solution, Panasonic will build a large facility at its Kusatsu site in Shiga Prefecture, which is equipped with an in-house power generation system that combines pure hydrogen fuel cell generators (500 kW) and photovoltaic generators (approx. 570 kW), as well as lithium-ion storage batteries (approx. 1.1 MWh) for storing surplus power. The power generated with this system supplies the entire power used in the manufacturing departments of the fuel cell factory located within the Kusatsu site. In parallel, Panasonic will develop and verify technologies related to the optimal power supply and demand management based on integrated control of the power generators and the storage battery system.
Advantages of this Hydrogen powered demonstration
The above combination will help solve the problem with photovoltaic power generation, which requires a large installation area and is susceptible to weather conditions, resulting in unstable power generation. In addition, this will enable the construction of an in-house power generation system in a limited space, such as on the roof of a factory, to supply efficient and stable electricity for business activities. Furthermore, the combination of lithium storage batteries enables adequate energy management in response to power demand and effective use of surplus power generated during days when the factory is not in operation.
Panasonic will start a demonstration work of an energy management system based on integrated control of pure hydrogen fuel cell generators, photovoltaic generators, and lithium-ion storage batteries in the spring of 2022.
Did you know?
Solar Edition publishes the top 10 solar panels monthly since 2019. In addition to this, we also publish a top 10 72 cells solar panels for industrial-scale every quarterly (Q1,2,3,4).
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