Microalgae are probably the oldest surviving living organisms on the planet. They have evolved over billions of years to possess light-harvesting systems that are up to 95% efficient. This enables them to survive in the most extreme environments, and adapt to changes our world has seen over this time-span.⠀
According to SolarDaily News, Tiny light-emitting microalgae, found in the ocean, could hold the secret to the next generation of organic solar cells, according to new research carried out at the Universities of Birmingham and Utrecht.⠀
Unraveling how this system works could yield important clues about how it could be used or recreated for use in new, super-efficient organic solar panels. Because of the complexity of the organisms and the huge variety of different species, however, progress in this area has been limited.⠀
“With most solar panels on the UK homes operating at 10-20% efficiency, increasing this efficiency to 95% will dramatically increase the use of solar power technology and in doing so help protect the environment,” adds Dr. Leney, one lead author on the study at the University of Birmingham.⠀
Photo:www.solardaily.com & www.sciencedaily.com⠀
‘All rights to go to the author of the news & image as mentioned above’⠀
@unibirmingham @utrechtuniversity⠀
‘All rights go to the author of the news and image mentioned above’
Date: May 11, 2019 @ 15:30
Instagram Post Source: http://instagram.com/solar_edition
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