Solar Energy in Scandinavia, specially Norway, usually is followed by only one reaction, WHAT?!?! However the market is vastly growing both in Scandinavia and many Scandinavian companies are executing projects globally in the field of renewable energies.
Today, 15th of September 2020, Solar Edition co-founders Shahab Moghadam and Amir Hayati-Soloot had a live webinar for TEKNA in Norwegian language on the topic of “Solar Energy Opportunities Globally” or in Norwegian “Solenergi i verden – hvilke muligheter har vi?”. This was a follow-up webinar of our earlier version that explored the opportunities in Scandinavia and specially Norway.
TEKNA is short for Teknisk-naturvitenskapelig forening, English: Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals. It is a union for graduate technical and scientific professionals in Norway with over 86000 members.
The recorded webinar is available on Tekna webiste.