Solar Sahelis with the cooperation of women moves India’s villages from darkness to light

India is trying to bring electricity to hundreds of millions of its citizens who live off the grid. And it's trying to ensure that the power comes from clean and renewable sources. According to CNN News, Frontier Markets is helping to achieve both those goals in the Western desert state of Rajasthan, selling solar-powered products to hundreds of villages. The company is thriving by turning its customers into salespeople. The company employs women to sell products like lamps, stoves, and even TVs that run on solar power through a program called Solar Sahelis (Solar Friends). Each woman is in charge of selling products to hundreds of rural households. "We learned that while the customer — the person paying for the product — was a man, the person using the product was a woman," Frontier Markets CEO Ajaita Shah said in an interview with CNN Business. "In fact, 70% of our users were women and that is when we realized that in order to properly serve the right household's needs, women had to be at the center of that value chain," she added. --------------------***-------------------- Source:@CNN Photo: ……………………………………. ‘All rights to go to the author of the news & image as mentioned above’ -------------------------------------------

Solar Sahelis with the cooperation of women moves India's villages from darkness to light
India is trying to bring electricity to hundreds of millions of its citizens who live off the grid. And it’s trying to ensure that the power comes from clean and renewable sources.
According to CNN News, Frontier Markets is helping to achieve both those goals in the Western desert state of Rajasthan, selling solar-powered products to hundreds of villages. The company is thriving by turning its customers into salespeople.
The company employs women to sell products like lamps, stoves, and even TVs that run on solar power through a program called Solar Sahelis (Solar Friends). Each woman is in charge of selling products to hundreds of rural households.
“We learned that while the customer — the person paying for the product — was a man, the person using the product was a woman,” Frontier Markets CEO Ajaita Shah said in an interview with CNN Business. “In fact, 70% of our users were women and that is when we realized that in order to properly serve the right household’s needs, women had to be at the center of that value chain,” she added.
‘All rights to go to the author of the news & image as mentioned above’

‘All rights go to the author of the news and image mentioned above’

Location: Rajasthan

Date: Jul 05, 2019 @ 09:20

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Media Type: image

Disclaimer: ‘all rights go to the author of the news and image mentioned above’, Solar Edition do not own the content and is distributing the information only for non-profit and educational reasons as a Solar Power Influencer.