UK’s PassivSystems has been Selected to supply for Oman’s 1GW residential solar PV project

UK’s PassivSystems has been Selected to supply for Oman’s 1GW residential solar PV project

According to Utilities Middle East news, Oman’s Authority for Electricity Regulation (AER) has signed a contract with British smart energy management provider PassivSystems to consult on the development of up to 1GW of rooftop residential solar in the Sultanate.

The AER’s plan, called “Sahim Phase 1” is to install solar PV arrays on 30% of Oman’s residential buildings over the next few years. During phase 1 of the project, PassivSystems will assist AER to identify and manage risks, draw up robust requests for proposals, analyse legal models and refine the customer proposition.
A pilot project will see between 1,000 and 3,000 homes fitted out with solar PV before scaling the programme to include more than a quarter of a million properties. ——————–***——————–
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‘All rights to go to the author of the news & image as mentioned above’
‘All rights go to the author of the news and image mentioned above’

Location: Oman

Date: Jan 30, 2019 @ 16:26

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