When harnessing renewable energy on a large-scale to sell in the energy market, a number of challenges emerge. Changing weather causes sharp fluctuations in the availability of solar and wind energy. As a result, integration with the energy market becomes problematic, as the market needs a predictable commodity that can be offered continuously on a large-scale to meet demand.
The VPP connects different types of energy producers such as on/offshore wind turbines, commercial/residential mounted solar panels, biomass, and hydropower which are generated by a number of producers spread across a country. Furthermore, it can connect small power producers.
The VPP enables countries to have access to the reliable power of renewables and reduces all the risks associated with fluctuations between supply and demand. ———-***———-
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‘All rights go to the author of the news and image mentioned above’
Date: Aug 20, 2019 @ 09:15
Instagram Post Source: http://instagram.com/solar_edition
Media Type: image
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