The bright future for Poland’s solar PV industry is not only a mere advertising slogan but is a real fact now. After years of negligible solar PV installation amounts, less than 100 MW in 2016 for instance, it has started taking off in a span of three years, 2016-2019. So quite unbelievably it increased more than 10 times and reached 1000 MW at the end of October 2019. This is more than 20 times compared to 2013. Therefore, we can easily call the 2019 year, “the BOOM Time of solar PV in Poland”. It seems the white eagle has awakened, late but “fast” and with “high ambitions” like an eagle.
Source of Information:@SolarPowerEu & @Solar_Edition
Photo: @Solar_Edition
‘All rights to go to the author of the news & image as mentioned above’
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